May 13, 2010

Are people interested in music?

At school, in my music classes, people don't seem to be very interested in music, they don't care.
Well, I've got to say that I don't go to the music classes at school because I study music out of the there, in an academy. Maybe it's just because I'm a musician and obviously I'm interested in it. In my opinion, music is very important in society, in history, it helps us to understand people's actions. Music is the explanation of people's feelings in the time when it was done. I'm not able to explain what music means to me, what the definition of music is, it's impossible to define a concept so wide.
Yesterday some friends told me that in the music class (at school) they had been talking about rock groups such as Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden...well, in fact they didn't tell me that, they said: "You'd have enjoyed today's class, we've talked about rock and those groups which you like so much...which were its names? Led Zeplin and mmm, something like Maden? Well, it's you who is interested in music I don't care about it. Why should I care about Beethoven or any other musician? It isn't important. I don't need to know this." More or less, this is what they said. I nearly started crying after listening to it. For me, It was like if they had said that I was the most stupid person in the world, that everything in what I believed was shit and stupid, that music was a silly thing, that one of the most important arts, the most wonderful of them (in my opinion) was nothing.
Music should be for everyone and at school we should LEARN music. At least, we should be able to criticize music. I'm not asking for people to compose a sonata but just to know the basics of music. Maybe I'm being quite selfish and radical, and I try to convince people to do the things that I like, I don't know, criticize me. I would like you to tell me in a comment or something which is the music to which you normally listen to, why do you like it and what do you think music is...I don't know, comment! In my opinion it's an interesting subject but I 'm starting to find out that I really am very strange.
Can you discuss me why (most) people consider that having a job as an artist, teaching music or just playing it, painting, dancing, etc, is not as good as working in the government or as a constructor for example?
I know people who want to work teaching music, singing, playing an instrument, and they're afraid of saying it because they don't want people to laugh at them or to think that they're less intelligent than the others.
Well, stop! I'm writing too much!

I hope you have a happy Santa Joana's day!


  1. I'm sorry I didn't write before but you know we're always so busy...
    I'd kill (metaphorically speaking of course)to have an "English music class", a place where we could listen to all sorts of music, comment on it, learn more English:), know more about the facts of the song, the lyrics,...
    As a matter of fact, I think I'll try to set it up next year with a specific list of songs for each class.
    What do you think? I could do with some help to choose the songs...
    See you around

  2. Good, very good1
    I like Supertramp
